Прийменники з рiзними частинами мови

В англійській мові є досить велика кількість прийменників, які вживаються з дієсловами, іменниками та прикметниками, і просто потрібно запамятати, який прийменник, де і коли вживається. Нижче наводиться додаток в якому ви можете знайти найчастіше вживані дієслова, іменники і прикметники з прийменниками.

Дієслово to be + прикметник + прийменник (BE + Adjective + Preposition)

To be sorry about smth, BUT: sorry for doing smth, sorry for smb

To be angry/annoyed about smth, BUT: with smb for doing smth

To be excited/upset/worried about smb/smth

To be good at/bad/hopeless at smth

To be surprised/shocked/amazed at/by smb/smth

To be famous for smth

To be responsible for smth

To be interested in smth

To be afraid/frightened/scared of smb/smth

To be aware of

To be proud of

To be fond of (=like)

To be short of (not enough)

To be jealous/envious of

To be jealous/envious of

To be jealous/envious of

To be crowded with

To be popular with

To be disappointed/pleased/satisfied/delighted with smth

To be bored/fed up with

Іменник з прийменником (Noun + Preposition)

a need/demand for smth

a reason for smth

a cause of smth

a picture/phote of smb/smth

an invitation to (dinner/a party)

an answer/a key/a solution to smth

attitude to/towards smb/smth

a relationship/contact with smb/smth

a relationship/connection/difference between (two things)

Прийменник з іменником (Preposition + Noun)

speak/be on the phone

a book/film/story/painting by R.Kipling

do by mistake/chance/accident

in my opinion, BUT: to my mind

be/fall in love with smb

be/go on a diet

on television/the radio

on holiday/business/an excursion/a trip/a tour, BUT: go for a holiday

pay by cheque/in cash

a place (town/city) on a river/a lake/the sea

swim in the river/lake/sea

by the sea/a river (position)

have for dinner/breakfast/lunch

in the north/south (of)

Дієслово з прийменником (Verb + Preposition)

complain about smth, BUT: complain to smb

think about smb/smth (=consider/concentrate on), BUT: think of smb/smth (= remember/have an idea)

care about smb/smth (думати, що хтось або щось важливі), BUT: care for smb/smth (доглядати когось, за чимось)

aim at

laugh/shout at

look at smb/smth, BUT: look for (seek); look after (take care of)

ask (smb) for smth

leave (a place) for (another place)

search for smb/smth

wait for smb/smth

blame for

borrow from

run into smb (=meet)

crash/drive into smth

accuse of

die of (an illness)

dream of

consist of smth

take care of smb/smth (=look after)

concentrate on

congratulate on

depend on

live on (money/food)

rely on smb/smth

belong to smb

explain (smth) to smb

invite to (a party)

speak/talk to smb

write to smb

Без прийменника вживаються: enter a room; marry smb; discuss smth; phone smb

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